The ‘Jungle of Calais’ demolition has started

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The French authorities began on Monday an operation scale evacuation and demolition of the migrant camp of Calais, known as the ‘Jungle of Calais’. This camp was considered a bone of contention in the relations between France and Britain since migrants were trying to get into the Kingdom from Calais.

The French authorities begin dismantling the camp today. The first excavators are expected to arrive at the Calais ‘Jungle’ to remove the waste and the improvised shelters, according to AFP. However, they are not expecting bulldozers.

The first day of the eviction operation was peacefully conducted, one-third of migrants being already evacuated. More specifically, about 2,300 migrants have left the space largest illegal camp in France this first day of operation.

Monday, 45 buses – compared to 60 that were originally foreseen – left with 1,918 adults from Calais to 80 reception and orientation centers (CAO) located in 11 regions of France, announced Bernard Cazeneuve, the Interior Minister.

In total a number of 400 minors were taken, pending further instructions dossier their part, the ‘temporary reception center’ (CAP), a structure located in the camp, consisting of containers, said Cazeneuve. About 1,300 juveniles lived isolated in the camp last week, of which 500 say they have relatives in the United Kingdom.

About 2,000 migrants do not want to leave the jungle of Calais, but will still try to reach the UK, said the president of the NGO L’Auberge des Migrants, according to AFP.

‘So far, everything is going well because people are looking forward to leaving,’ said Salome, while the first bus with migrants already left the camp.

However, those who refuse to leave the camp are at risk of being detained and taken to detention centers.

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