The Questions You Have to Answer During a Job Interview at Google

Hi-Tech Nilgun Salim

Tech engineer Pierre Gauthier went through an interview at Google and wanted to share the unique experience on his blog.

Basically, to work at Google you need a sharp mind. Besides the high IQ, you must become a good manager and possess a strong set of coding skills, writes Discover.

So, these are the 10 questions Pierre Gauthier had to answer during the interview:

  1. What is the opposite function of ‘malloc’ in C ++

  2. What function from Unix allows a socket to receive connections?

  3. Sort the required time for: Reading the registers of a PC, disk reading, changing the context, reading the memory of the system.

  4. What is an ‘inode’ in Linux?

  5. Which feature from Linux takes a query and returns an ‘inode’?

  6. What is the name of a ‘Kill’ signal?

  7. Why is the rapid sorting the best sorting method?

  8. There are of 10.000 values in 16 bits, how can you count the bits in a more efficient way?

  9. What is the topology of the changed (transferred) packages to establish a TCP connection?

Indeed, some of these questions are quite difficult but according to Google, if you have the required knowledge these might not be that complicated.

Despite the not so pleasant interview, the period spent at Google represent the most beneficial experience both professionally and personally.

And once you’re in… you’re in! According to Gauthier, the environment is quite pleasant and relaxing. The employees have food buffets, colorful bicycle storage places and they can also bring their pets.

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