He donated her half of his liver and she offered him her hand in marriage

U.S. Nilgun Salim

A couple from Illinois is living the most special and beautiful love story.

Chris Dempsey is a former Navy officer and two years ago he decided to donate half of his liver  to a complete stranger. After a couple of months, the woman offered him her heart.

In March 2014, a group of doctors told 27-year-old Heather Kruger that she has liver cancer.

The disease was in an advanced stage and she has only a few months to live. Her only chance of survival was a liver transplant. The time was ticking for Heather and the doctors told her the chances of finding a donor in the next two months were almost null. Her only chance was to seek for a donor by herself.

One day, Navy officer Chris Dempsey was serving lunch at a cafeteria when he heard Heather’s cousin, Jack talking about her health problems.

Impressed by the woman’s struggle, Chris asked Jack if he can meet Heather because he wants to help her if it’s possible.

Things turned out to match in the most beautiful way for Heather, who got her donor and a future husband.

Without thinking twice, the former militant donated half of his liver to the love of his life.

‘I spent four years in the Navy and I learned how to confront every obstacle. So, I said to myself if I can help, I’ll help’, revealed Chris.

Heather felt that she and Chris share a special bond. After the surgery, they kept in touch and, slowly, started to fell in love with each other.

On December, 10 Chris asked Heather to marry him. Earlier this month, they became husband and wife.

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