Foreign Minister of Lithuania talks about the position of the EU Member States Regarding Russia

World News Rudolph Rodriquez

‘You cannot be the aggressor in Ukraine and peacemaker elsewhere,’ said the Foreign Minister of Lithuania, Linas Linkevicius, in an interview with Radio Free Europe in the margins of the Council of Foreign Affairs, held on Monday in Luxembourg, in an interview where he talks about the position of the EU Member States to Russia and possible new sanctions against this country.

‘I can see, the situation has not changed, as I have said more than once: you cannot be the aggressor in Ukraine and elsewhere a peacemaker. This happens to be true, even those who believe in constructive approach lose their temper and accuse Russia of war crimes. It’s a very heavy accusation, moreover, particularly in view of possible further sanctions because of Syria,’ said Linkevicius

According to the Lithuanian Foreign Minister, ‘EU worked its best, probably because there are 28 players’. ‘Yes, there are differences of views, but there is a power in the joint decision,’ he said.

Asked whether Brussels ‘was naive in relation to Russia,’ Linkevicius answered that when talking of Brussels, nations are under consideration. ‘Brussels is just Brussels but express our common position. Sometimes decisions are influenced by different expectations, like the national expectations,’ the Lithuanian diplomat estimated.

‘We cannot blame him for aggression, for annexation, as long as we (the EU) do this but should share responsibility for our inaction when they needed us,’ he added.

Regarding the EU’s Eastern Partnership, Linkevicius explained that it ‘was created as our partners have a platform for dialogue with the European Union’. ‘Some countries want to become members, others probably never will be. But it’s a truly unique instrument. I think it was the right approach and at the same time very difficult because the attitude was different,’ he admitted.

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