Users will become able to order food on Facebook

Hi-Tech Nilgun Salim

Users will become able to order food on Facebook. The social network is launching a series of ‘utility’ functions and the main ones are the ability to order food and to purchase tickets for various events.

Facebook is continuously searching for ways to monetize itself and once they identify these methods, they are launching the functions as new ‘utilities’ for users.

The new ideas initiated by Facebook mastermind Mark Zuckerberg are offering users the opportunity to purchase tickets and order food through the social network.

Users can perform these operations directly on the official Facebook pages of their favorite restaurants or companies. Basically, after you enter on the official Facebook page of a restaurant, you will notice the presence of a button that allows them to access a menu and order food.

These orders will not be directed to the staff of the company, but to a special department of intermediaries specialized in such operations.

For example, the tickets to events will be bought in the United States through Ticketmaster and EventBrite services.

Another method to buy tickets are the event pages. Those who will receive notifications related to an event, they will also be able to buy the tickets from the exact same place.

At the same time, Facebook is launching another facility where users can ask the advice of their friends. For example, a user who plans to visit a city in a foreign country will become able to ask friends for suggestions regarding specific regions.

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