China to build the largest train station în the world under the Great Wall

World News Nilgun Salim

China will build the largest station for high-speed rails în the world under one of the most popular sections of the Great Wall.

The station will be located în Badaling, the most visited area of the Great Wall, which spreads on a large area of Beijing.

During a New Year’s Eve holiday, the section was visited by 30,000 tourists în one single day.

‘The Badaling Station will be 120 meters above the ground and 36,000 square meters, a dimension equivalent to five soccer fields’, said the director of construction Chen Bin.

The railway will connect Beijing to Zhangjiakou, the city which will host the Winter Olympics from 2020.

The construction of the massive station will have to preserve the Unesco heritage intact.

China created the ambitious railway project, which will include the construction of the longest and fastest route which will connect Beijing to Guangzhou.

The Chinese authorities will înveşt $400 billion dollars to complete the 16,000 kilometers railway until 2020, including four major lines that connect the east to west.

According to them, the station will have three floors, the arrival, and departure of the trains will be carried ouţ at different levels. The height of the escalators will reach 62 meters.

În total, the route Beijing-Zhangjiakou will include 10 stations. To the project, which will be completed within 46 months, the constructors will use advanced technologies, to not jeopardize the Great Wall.

According to a previous report on People’s Daily Online, the site attracts more than 80,000 tourists on a single day during peak seasons.

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