Donald Trump Violated the United States - Cuba embargo

U.S. Nilgun Salim

A company owned by Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the U.S. was keeping its activity under the wraps in Cuba, during the Fidel Castro regime, violating the embargo imposed by Washington.

Top secret reports obtained by Newsweek prove the company led by Trump spent at least $68,000 exploring numerous business opportunities in Cuba, especially in 1998, a period in which the U.S. Government banned any kind of investment in the communist state.

But the staff from Trump’s company made sure to spend the money away from the public eye. With Trump’s approval stamp, the board members used a ‘ghost’ company called Seven Arrows Investment & Development Corporation. After his business consultants traveled all the way to Cuba to arrange an investment project, they got in touch with the Trump Hotels & Casino Resort to launch their project as a charitable act.

The payments for Seven Arrows were made by Trump’s company shortly before the American tycoon ran for the U.S. presidency with the Reform Party’s support.

On the first day of the campaign, Trump traveled to Miami, where he negotiated with a group of Cubans, vowing to protect the Cuba embargo.

Neither an American nor a company based in the United States could spend any cash in Cuba; instead, a foreign charity or similar sponsoring entity needed to pay all expenses, including travel. This damning report is just the latest when it comes to Trump’s shady financial dealings.

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