New Hacking Technique: beware of suspicious USB’s left in your mailbox

Hi-Tech Nilgun Salim’s-left-in-your-mailbox.jpg

Mixed between advertisement catalogs, bills, and flyers, some companies started to send these USB flash drives as a part of a harmless promotional campaign.

But the temptation to use these free gadgets has some pretty bad consequences. Cyber criminals found a new and innovative method to fool their victims and their anti-SPAM filter algorithms.

This new strategy already discovered in countries like Australia and the UK, consists in deceiving customers with expensive USB flash sticks, delivered in an average envelope or placed into their mailboxes.

Taking advantage of their peculiarity or their negligence when it comes to suspicious directing links, hackers can sneak dangerous types of malware into your personal computer and steal important data such as bank accounts, phone numbers, and addresses.

After they steal valuable information, they are using ‘ransomware’ applications to demand large amounts of money, in return of private photos and important documents stored on your hard disk.

According to the investigation, the scam doesn’t involve any courier service and the hackers deliver the infected USB’s personally, using unmarked envelopes.

The plan requires no risks. The hackers and their accomplices are making sure the area is clear, placing the USB into directly into your mailbox.

‘People are more likely to put USB stick into their computer than click a link or open file sent by the unknown person’, stated  Melbourne Police Sgt. Guy Matheson, who described the method one of their most successful scams.

To avoid any inconvenience, our advice is to avoid storage devices of an uncertain origin.

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