The fourth army in world has triggered the attack. A war is ready to be resumed

World News Rudolph Rodriquez

The Indian army announced that it has executed ‘surgical strikes’ against the terrorists along the border with Pakistan in the disputed Kashmir region, according to BBC.

The Indian army said that the operation was intended to prevent attacks planned by militants in Pakistan, said a military official.

They added that the strikes have caused ‘significant damages’ for the terrorists and those who support them.

Pakistan instead has denied that Indian surgical strikes occurred.

‘The idea that there were surgical strikes that would hit terrorist bases is an illusion generated by India to create false effects,’ said the Pakistani military.

Islamabad also said that two Pakistani soldiers died following an unprovoked shooting along the Control Line that divides the disputed region.

Tensions rose after an attack by militants on a base of Indian Kashmir, which killed 18 soldiers. India blamed Pakistan, which denied any responsibilities.

Both India and Pakistan claim control over the predominantly Muslim Kashmir, but control only parts of it.

The territorial dispute is already lasting for decades. Two wars were fought between the two nuclear powers in this case.

There are fears that the new escalation of tensions could pose a major new armed conflict, but analysts argue that this perspective is however unlikely.

Over the time, the Indian army has been involved in four wars with Pakistan and in one with China. India’s ground forces have over 3,500 tanks and 5,000 armored combat vehicles, air forces having almost 1,800 aircraft and 500 military helicopters, while the marine forces have about 200 vessels. India’s main weapons supplier is Russia.

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