Exploding devices destroy a mosque and a conference center in Dresden, Germany

World News Nilgun Salim

Two DIY bombs exploded Monday evening in Dresden.

One of the exploding devices was placed near a mosque and the other one to an international conference center reported the German authorities.

‘Although, no one claimed responsibility for the attacks we believe it was a xenophobic act’, said the police chief of Dresden Horst Kretzschmar.

According to the authorities, there is a link between the explosions and the national event set to take place the next weekend in Dresden, which celebrates Germany’s reunification.

During the blast from the mosque, the imam, his wife and their sons were inside the Muslim temple. Although the explosion gave them the fright of their lives, they did not suffer any injury. Unfortunately, the mosque was pretty damaged.

Shortly after the explosion at the mosque, the police received numerous emergency reports regarding the explosion from the international center, which damaged the building and a hotel from the area had to be evacuated.

In the middle of the night, numerous units were sent to guard all the mosques from the city.

Dresden is a German city, in which the anti-Islam movement PEGIDA was born. Since 2015, the organization gathered almost 20,000 supporters and organized protests every single week.

The wave of immigrants, which arrived in Germany last year created numerous social tensions, especially in the eastern region of the country.

“These events will certainly impact our current plans for patrolling [in the run-up to unification celebrations]. As of right now we are working in crisis mode!” said Kretzschmar.

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