Clinton and Trump Clashed in the First Televised Debate

U.S. Marion Schneider

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party candidate, and Donald Trump, the Republican Party candidate, clashed on Monday night in the first televised debate of the US presidential election campaign of November 8, according to BBC News Online.

The two US presidential candidates discussed the economy, terrorism and the situation of minorities, the debate being marked by numerous biased allegations and harsh personal attacks.

Hillary Clinton accused Trump of racism, sexism and insinuated that the Republican is guilty of tax evasion because he refused to disclose documents relating to its financial situation, the first candidate for President of the United States that interrupts a long tradition of transparency in this regard.

The event was held at Hofstra University in New York, the state debate being the most watched in history, with up to 100 million viewers.

Pressed by Clinton regarding publication of documents on his financial situation, Donald Trump replied that he would make public the tax returns as soon as Clinton will unveil the 33,000 deleted e-mails on a private server for electronic mail, which she used when she served as secretary of state.

Clinton responded quickly to Trump’s allegations concerning the private email server, stating that it has no ‘apology’ and takes responsibility for this.

Throughout the debate, both candidates have denied or distorted statements they previously expressed.

Accused of Clinton as saying that global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese, Trump replied: ‘I did not say that.’ According to the agency The Associated Press in a message posted on Twitter in 2012, Trump said: ‘The concept of global warming was created by the Chinese in order to make the US industry uncompetitive.’ Subsequently, the Republican said he was joking, but, however, continued to argue that global warming is a deception that benefits China.

On the other hand, Clinton was forced to defend its position regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Initially, the term of office of Secretary of State, the Democrat strongly supported the project, but during the presidential campaign was against the trade deal, according to The Associated Press.

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