SpaceX Founder Elon Musk: Journey’s to Mars Will Become Possible in 2022

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SpaceX founder Elon Musk says that his main goal is ‘to create an interplanetary life’, revealing his plans regarding for reusable ships to Mars.

His company provides transportation services and manufactures spacecraft.

The ambitious entrepreneur said that he will start creating reusable ships for interplanetary trips and the project will be finished in 2022, three years earlier than the previous estimation.

During his speech in Guadalajara, Elon said that the human kind has two options: one, is to remain on Earth and wait for an inevitable extinction or to become a civilization who managed to travel in space, a multi-planetary species.

Musk talked about a system, in which the fuel can be synthesized on Mars from water and carbon dioxide.

The system allows the vessels to return to Earth. The price depends on many factors and it will change in time. Currently, the cost for one person is estimated at $10 billion dollars.

The rest of the expenses for these interplanetary missions were not clarified yet. Elon Musk suggested a few methods in order to obtain the funds that he needs.

NASA admitted in a statement that Musk’s plans are more than welcome: ‘NASA greets the ones who are trying to make a change regarding the traveling to Mars. This project needs the best and brightest minds in the industry’.

NASA added that ‘extraordinary progress’ were made during their exploration missions on Mars.

The interplanetary module that Elon Musk dreams of could carry up to 100 passengers.

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