Francois Hollande visits the Calais migrant camp

World News Nilgun Salim

The French President visited the refugee camp from Calais on Monday and his first impression regarding the northern France establishment is that it should be abolished completely and permanently’.

The camp from Calais is also known as the ‘Jungle of Calais’ and hosts almost 10,000 migrants.

‘The Government will go all the way’, said Francois Hollande, taking advantage of the press conference to urge Britons to ‘to assume their part’ in solving the problem.

Most of the migrants from Calais arrived from Syria, Eritrea or Sudan and want to reach the UK.

‘I want to express my firmness to see the British authorities involved in the humanitarian action, which France already submitted and will continue tomorrow.’, said Francois Hollande.

During his official visit, Hollande will meet the law enforcements and representatives of the humanitarian association.

He arrived in the ‘jungle’ by helicopter accompanied by French ministers Bernard Cazeneuve, Emmanuelle Cosse and Alain Vidalies.

Just like his opponent, Nicolas Sarkozy, Hollande will not enter the camp. Lately, the situation in the overcrowded camp became even worse. Massive groups of occupants are struggling to reach to the UK, without considering the risks.

The French Government stated that the ‘Jungle of Calais’ will be abolished by winter and they will relocate the immigrants in special centers throughout France.

Almost 9,000 immigrants are going to live in the ‘orientation centers’. They are going to be divided into groups of 40-50 people, for a determined period of 3-4 months.

Those who fulfill the required criteria will receive asylum to remain in France.

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