Eating Pizza Occasionally Might Help You Lose Those Extra Pounds

Science Nilgun Salim

This is a dream come true! A story published in ‘Men’s Health’ claims that eating pizza might help you to get rid of the extra pounds.

Apparently, the most important aspect regarding this ‘diet’ is to know how and when to eat the pizza.

Everyone dreams about an enviable silhouette and diets can become a nightmare, especially when you have to deprive yourself of your favorite plates.

The Portuguese researchers suggest that eating chips, french fries, ice cream or other food high in calories are more motivated to continue their plan of losing weight.

The experiment was conducted on two groups of people, who followed a 10,500 calories diet per week. The people from the second group were allowed to eat whatever they wanted only on Sundays. After a short period, there were was no difference in their weights and taking a weekly break from their diet made them happier and more motivated.

According to the experts, you must NOT confuse your ‘cheat day’ with ‘binge day’. The participants established their portions of pizza, ice cream, and other treats so they could stay within their weekly calorie totals.

Bottom line: Don’t deprive yourself of certain foods. Go ahead and enjoy those Doritos every Friday. They may just help you finally move the needle on the scale because an occasional indulgence will keep you even more motivated.

The study was carried out by Rita Coelho do Vale a professor at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Men’s Health reported.

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