American Diplomatic Staff To Leave Congo

U.S. Marion Schneider

The United States ordered the American diplomatic staff families in the post in the DRC to leave the country because of resurgent violence, announced on Thursday evening the State Department, the AFP informs.

‘The risk of civil unrest is high in Kinshasa and other major cities,’ the State Department estimated in a statement.

‘Given the deteriorating security situation, family members of the US government personnel were ordered to leave the country as of September 29,’ states the text.

‘On 19 to 20 September, violent incidents related to the electoral process took place between the security forces and demonstrators, resulting in several dead and damages,” recalls the ministry.

‘The very poor transportation infrastructure in the country and precarious security conditions impede the US Embassy to provide consular services elsewhere than in Kinshasa,’ the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo highlights the State Department.

On Wednesday, the US Treasury froze possible assets of two DRC army and police generals for their role in repressing ‘the freedom and political rights of the Congolese people’ and obstructing the democratic process in the country.

The new explosion of violence in the DRC, resulting in 49 dead according to the UN, is bound to postpone the presidential elections that are to be held this year.

The Constitution prohibits the President of DRC Joseph Kabila, in power since 2001, to appear again at the end of his mandate on December 20, but the president shows no sign that he wants to leave his post, while the presidential elections now seem impossible to organize at the time, wrote the France Presse.

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